
Here you will find all the information on Grapes version tracking

Version 1.08

Release date: 09/17/2024


  • Improved ergonomics for managing relationships within a grape
    • Added a new screen displaying the list of manually added relationships. This screen is accessible from the toolbar.
    • Manually created relationships are more visible in the diagram.
    • Editing a relationship from the diagram (double-click) is more user-friendly. The selected relationship is highlighted.
    • In the relationship editor, databases, tables, and columns are sorted alphabetically.
    • A validation rule has been added to prevent the creation of relationships without column mapping.
  • Task management
    • Added a task refresh button.
    • Ability to view task error details (dedicated button).
    • Events are better sorted.
    • Task duration is better calculated.
  • Enabled the functionality to delete a database from the graphical interface.
  • Enabled the functionality to delete a dataset from the graphical interface.
  • Enabled the functionality to delete a grape from the graphical interface.


  • The Source table and Destination table fields were reversed in the relationship creation screen.
  • Some execution errors lacked sufficient detail.

Version 1.07

Release Date: 06/17/2024


  • Improved ergonomics for projects containing more than 10 databases
    • Implemented database-level search. The search is performed on the name.
    • Implemented pagination
  • Ability to configure the level of task parallelization at the agent level. For more information, see the page Configure a Self-hosted Agent
  • Ability to delete a database. For more information, see the page Delete a Database


  • Filters using numeric-type parameters did not work
  • Data exports can work even if the databases do not contain the same environments. However, the target environment must be shared by all databases used in a cluster.
  • Support for the timestamp type in Sql Server databases
  • Minor display issues fixed