Quick Start Guide

Follow these steps to quickly get started with Grapes

Create an Account

  1. Click on the sign-up link.

Creating a Grapes Account

  1. Provide your authentication information.

Creating a Grapes Account

Create an Organization

Upon first login, provide information about your organization and confirm.

Creating an Organization in Grapes

Create an Infrastructure

  1. Select the infrastructure tab from the homepage and click on the “Add Infrastructure” button.

Selecting the Infrastructure Tab

  1. Provide connection information and confirm.

Creating an Infrastructure


  • Read-only infrastructures cannot perform data import operations.
  • The connection string is only visible to users with the read:infraSecrets permission.

Create a Project

  1. Select the projects tab from the homepage and click on the “Add Project” button.

Selecting the Projects Tab

  1. Provide information about your project and confirm.

Creating a Project

  1. Access the project space by clicking on it.

Create an Environment

  1. From the project space, click on the Environments submenu.

Environment Submenu

  1. Click on the “Create Environment” button.

  2. Provide information about your environment and confirm.

Creating an Environment

  1. Repeat the process for other environments.

List of Environments

Create a Database

  1. From the project space, click on the Databases submenu.

Database Submenu

  1. Provide information about your database and establish necessary links with environments, then confirm.

Creating a Database

Extract Database Schema

  1. From the project’s database list, click the button to automatically extract the database schema.

Launching Database Schema Extraction

  1. Select the environment to use for schema extraction and confirm.

Selecting Schema Extraction Environment

  1. Check the task status from the “Tasks” submenu.

Task Status Tracking

Create a Grape

  1. From the “Grapes” submenu, click the “Create Grape” button.

Grapes Submenu

  1. Name your Grape and confirm.

  2. Edit your Grape by clicking the “Edit” button.

  3. Display the object selector by clicking the “Databases” button in the toolbar.

Grape Editor: Database Button

  1. Add all tables to your Grape.

Grape Editor: Select All Tables

  1. Save and close your Grape.

Grape Editor: Save and Close

Create a Dataset

  1. From the list of Grapes, expand your Grape and click the “Add Dataset” button.

Expanding a Grape

  1. Name your dataset and confirm.

Export a Dataset

  1. Click on the “Export” button of your dataset.

Exporting a Dataset

  1. Select the environment from which the data will be exported and confirm.

  2. Track the progress of the task from the “Tasks” page.

  3. Verify that the dataset status is “Ready.”

Import a Dataset

  1. Click on the “Import” button of your dataset.

Importing a Dataset

  1. Select the environment into which the data will be imported and confirm.

  2. Track the progress of the task from the “Tasks” page.