Application Overview

Grapes is a Software As a Service (SaaS) solution designed to create datasets from production data while ensuring their anonymization.


  • Organization: This refers to a legal entity or a service.

  • Infrastructure: This refers to a connection to a database.

  • Environment: This refers to a project management environment: Production, Test, Development, Integration, etc.

  • Database: This refers to a logical view rather than a physical one. The same database can be deployed across multiple environments.

  • Project: This refers to an IT project containing one or more databases.

  • Cluster: This refers to a logical view allowing the selection and configuration of elements (tables, documents, etc.) for extracting and importing data from a project.

  • Datasets: This refers to a snapshot of the data from a cluster extracted from an environment.

  • Agent: This is an instance of the program responsible for executing all tasks on the databases (detecting sensitive data, extracting and importing data, etc.). An agent can only execute one task at a time.

  • Agent Pool: This is a collection of agents. Instead of managing each agent individually, you organize agents into agent pools. When you configure an agent, it is registered with a single pool. When you execute a task, it runs on an agent from that pool.

  • Resource: This refers to a list of values that can be used by the random anonymization function.

  • Task: This refers to an operation performed on a database. Each task is executed by an agent.


Grapes consists of 3 independent elements:

  • The Web Application
  • The Grapes API allowing developers to automate Grapes programmatically
  • The Grapes agent that executes all tasks on the databases